Nonnie - honeybear's grandmother - recently taught him alternative lyrics to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (ever heard of Randolph the Bowlegged Cowboy?) and today he decided to come up with his own: 1. (tragically unfinished) Rudolph the...
Honeybear told me a joke a while ago: A cat in your hat. A cat would play. A cat would play in your hat. That's not good, and that's why cats don't play in your hats.
This is our (current) standard bedtime routine: 1. PJs 2. Brush teeth 3. Read a story (or a couple of chapters in a book) 4. Sing "It's Time for Sleepy Time" 5. Honeybear picks which parent should put him to bed ...
Bunnybear shall now be known as honeybear, because he loves honey so much. Seriously, bread with honey, honey mustard, honey pickles, honey yogurt, honey cookies, ... Honeybear is into inventing. For a while he wanted me to come up with things he ...
Since we saw a defibrillator at the school last year bunnybear's been interested in what the heart does. He also got to help his daddy measure his blood pressure a few times. Today bunnybear tried to explain to us how it all works. He ...
Bunnybear and his daddy have been having talks about contracts recently. Here's a conversation they had concerning a contract bunnybear made (not verbatim): Bunnybear: I made one! Daddy: Cool! What does it say? B: That you can catch an elephant ...
Bunnybear's daddy recently tried to explain to him what contracts are. Yesterday we went to a birthday party and before, while we were having lunch, bunnybear told me he'd made a contract: "Dear ∗name of birthday girl∗, We hope ...
We went swimming today. Bunnybear climbed out of the pool, went up the stairs and up the ramp, walked around in a little circle, came back down, jumped into my arms into the pool and told me he was playing "Hide and Sick". We also went ...
Tonight during supper bunnybear was wearing his purple unicorn T-shirt which is too big for him. He pulled at the neckline and stuck his head inside, looked at the unicorn print from inside the shirt and said "I think it's a rooster." ...
A while ago, bunnybear had this rather strange conversation with daddy (not verbatim): Bunnybear: "Want to eat mommy and daddy. Then mommy and daddy would be in your belly. [Then] you can't find mommy and daddy. You would have a tummy ache...
Oh my, it's been almost five months since my last post! Eep! Bunnybear is still very, very cute though, so I will go through some of my favorite adorable things from the last few weeks... One morning he woke up and started talking about a cow: ...
Bunnybear is in bed (not napping) and has been singing "Dominick the Donkey" for about ten minutes... "La la la! Lalalala! La la la! Lalalala! I-ah i-ah..." "Chigiti-ching." "Christmas donkey." "LA! ...
Bunnybear has invented his own knock-knock joke! *knock knock* (He will usually knock on the table.) "Who's there?" "A dog." "A dog who?" Then he'll grin like a maniac.
Tonight we all went out on to the balcony for a minute, and bunnybear pointed at the sky and said, 'Moon!' His daddy explained to him that the moon wasn't out tonight. Bunnybear then said, 'Moon fall down.' Later he had another theory: 'Moon bed.'
We have a Texas alphabet book, and under H it lists 'Horned Lizard'. Bunnybear thought it would be a good idea to teach mommy and daddy about body parts, so he pointed at different parts of the lizard and said 'Eyes! Nose! Ears! Head! Legs! Shirt!'
Bunnybear likes to draw, and has started saying what he's drawing, i.e. 'Sheep!' Today he drew a big purple scribble, then added lots of dots. 'Dots! Dots! Dots!' Apparently this special drawing also contained a banana, a mouth, eyes, and a clock.
Bunnybear is in bed. "North Star, North Star, *mumble mumble* ... North Star, North Star, ... " (This is a song he learned from Peppa Pig.) "Water is good! Mmmh -licious!" "Uuh! Uuh! Uuh!" *loud squeak* "Noooo. ...
We recently set up our Christmas trees. Yes, Christmas trees. We have two trees. Anyhoo. One of them is about half the size of the other one, so bunnybear will point at one and say 'Small Christmas tree!', then (after you've repeated it) point ...
A few days ago bunnybear and I were at the mall, and I pointed out the Christmas trees and the pretty 'balls' (ornaments). Today we put up our Christmas tree, and suddenly bunnybear exclaimed 'Christmas ball!', ran into his room, came back out ...
This morning I was drinking a coffee on the sofa. Bunnybear looked at the coffee, said 'Spoon!', went to the kitchen, fetched a spoon, handed it over and looked at me expectantly.
This morning hubby prepared an awesome breakfast with scrambled eggs, warm bread, cheese, salami, yogurt, strawberries, ... What did bunnybear want? A carrot.
Bunnybear is in bed and reciting one of his books. It's about a bunny and a bear (bunnybear!) playing hide and seek. "Where's bear?" "There." "Is he..." *mumble mumble* "...?" "Noooo..." "Is ...
Bunnybear loves books, and he has quite a few that he loves to hear over and over (and over and over and over) again. Now sometimes when we're reading him one of those, he'll interrupt and continue telling the story from memory. He can't say all ...
Bunnybear has been able to count from one to ten for a while now (though at the moment he's choosing to ignore numbers eight and nine for whatever reason). We have a flap book where one page has numbers one through twenty on it. Bunnybear will ...
Bunnybear will sometimes follow me around the flat while I'm trying to get us ready to leave, continuously and loudly proclaiming "ribbit!" (and occasionally "froggy!"). I have absolutely no clue why.
Sometimes when I take bunnybear to the grocery store, he'll sort of sing to himself. Last time I figured out that he was singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"! The parts in the middle are a bit muddled, but you can clearly hear the row, row, ...
Bunnybear's favorite word right now is "again". Make a funny face = "Again!" Make a funny noise = "Again!" Tickle him = "Again!" Read a book = "Again!" Sing a song = "Again!" Do anything ...
Some more of my favorite bunnybear words: Wobble ("Wobb-u"), Bless you ("Bess-u"), Story ("Sto-i"), Bye bye ("Buh-bye"), Turtle ("Tu-tuh"), Purple ("Puh-puh"), Pink ("Pick")
Here is a list of my current favorite Bunnybear words: Batman ("Mat-man"), Spoon ("Spoot"), Hello ("Hallo"), Umbrella ("U-brella"), Pasta ("S-pasta"), Awesome ("Aw-sha"), ...
Bunnybear is Canadian! We have a book where a dog keeps getting in trouble and it says, "Oh no, George!" Bunnybear has changed that line to "Oh no, eh?" He adds the "Eh?" quite often to other things, too.
A while ago, bunnybear went for a walk with his daddy. They came across a field with cows. The cows were lining up to go back into the stable. One cow seemed to be excited to go back in because she came running up. Bunnybear seemed to be excited ...
Just like when he was littler, whenever bunnybear gets a 'boo-boo', he cries. Unlike when he was littler though, he doesn't want me to pick him up and carry him around until he calms down anymore. Nowadays his 'boo-boo' needs to be acknowledged ...
Bunnybear seems to really enjoy listening to music and stories. With his favorite ones he can tell as soon as they're over and will say "Oh!" very loudly, so someone will go and restart the CD, or flip the tape over. As in, "Oh! It ...
We were at a store yesterday, and while my hubby was waiting in line to pay, bunnybear and I rode the elevator. (It has glass doors so you can see the elevator moving, and he loves it! The last week or so, whenever we'd walk past the store, he'd ...
Bunnybear is the Dancing King! He has three dance moves: Going round in circles while staying in the same spot (sort of). Bending and unbending his knees in a somewhat jerky fashion. Clapping his hands. And here is a list of all the things ...
Bunnybear's been carrying stuff all over the flat for some strange reason. Today I found this in bunnybear's bed: dustpan, clean towels and cloths from the kitchen, dirty towel from the laundry hamper in the bathroom, ...
The reason I haven’t written anything in the last few months is NOT because my lil darling has ceased to be cute. (!!!) There has been a lot going on, including cutie tripping and breaking a tooth, illness (winter sucks), sleep regressions, ...
Things that made bunnybear giggle and/or smile today: - Mommy made fart noises by blowing on her arm - Ducks ran up to say ‘hello!’ (though they said ‘bye!’ quite quickly when they realized we hadn’t brought food)
Things that made bunnybear cry today: 1) Wiping his hands and face after breakfast 2) Leaving him in his highchair while I prepared a bottle 3) Not being able to take the clothes out of the bathtub (that he’d thrown into the bathtub)
The other day, bunnybear was amusing himself trying to put a cardboard book on a chair. Because of how the chair is shaped, the book kept falling down. Every time it fell down he’d sit down, pick it up, stand up and try again.
This is the kind of thing that somehow only seems to happen whenever I start thinking about having another baby: Leaky diaper + baby fingers = poop everywhere
Baby got his first bubble bath today! His initial reaction was to cry like mad. By the end he was giggling and climbing all over the bathtub looking like Santa Claus.
Apparently baby loves people! Unless he’s grumpy (i.e. tired) he will smile at just about anybody and can get quite excited. Sometimes he’ll smile at random people in the grocery store before they’ve even noticed ...
When baby is determinedly trying to do something (like open a drawer mommy said not to) he sticks his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, a bit like this: ...
Baby had pasta for supper. First he’d take a fistful and stuff it in his mouth. Then he’d grab another fistful and drop it on the floor. At one point he was “talking” about something in his serious little voice while...
Sometimes I can’t handle how excruciatingly cute baby is… Getting ready to go for a walk, he was “talking” in a soft little voice and seemed to enjoy hearing his voice echo in the stairwell.
Baby has been able to crawl on his hands and knees for a while now, but doesn’t do it very often. This morning he tried it a few times though. As he was slowly crawling forward, somewhat wobbly, making weird consonant-y noises (“chhhhh...
We have a storybook where a bunny blows dandelion seeds into the air, and it’s that time of year here so we thought we’d demonstrate how that works when we go for walks. He seemed very interested, so I let him try it for himself.
Baby was chewing/sucking/biting a can holder thingy, when he decided to try blowing on it, producing a very realistic pooping/farting noise. He then looked at me with a huge, extremely proud grin.
Occasionally baby will think it’s bedtime when we’re actually just putting him down for an afternoon nap. Today was such a day, and when I went to wake him up at some point, he was asleep on his belly with his legs tucked in under him ...
Baby’s brain: *yawn* Gosh I’m tired… Hmmm, what could I do about that… Hmmmmmmmm… I know! I know! I’ll stand up in bed! I don’t know how to sit down again, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.
Every now and then, I’ll find a thing that makes my baby giggle like mad. A bit later I’ll do the exact same thing, and baby will just give me a look like: “Mother, please show some dignity.”
*baby’s being a huge, fussy, annoying pain in the butt* *baby sees himself reflected in mommy’s iPad* *baby proceeds to smile, coo and giggle at his own reflection*